2012-04-08 p4 @203041M TCP loopback

Test runs

netperf-2.5 TCP_STREAM test was run over 3 reboot iterations, with each iteration having 1 warm up run and 10 recorded netperf runs.

IPv6/TCP with and without offloading turned on

IPv6/TCP numbers with and without offloading on IPv6/TCP numbers with and without offloading on (detail)
x hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp6_default.stat
+ hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp6_nooffload.stat
|           +                              x                               |
|          ++                              x                 x             |
|     +    ++       ++ +                  xx x x   x x  x    x     xx      |
|++   ++++ +++ +++ +++ ++      +         x***xxx  xx xx x    x x   xx     x|
|                                          |_______M_A_________|           |
|     |________M_A__________|                                              |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  30        6360.6       7579.57       6717.98     6795.4417     358.60956
+  30       4867.92       6469.65       5380.22      5467.151     413.84611
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	-1328.29 +/- 200.156
	-19.5468% +/- 2.94545%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 387.214)

IPv4 and IPv6 TCP with and without offloading

IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/ and w/o offloading IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/ offloading IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/o offloading
x hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp6_nooffload.stat
+ hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp4_nooffload.stat
* hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp6_default.stat
% hydra1/test_lo0_netperf_tcp4_default.stat
|                                          * %                     *       |
|           x     +         +  ++        % * %%   *            %   *       |
|     x    xx   + + xx *  +++  ++  +    %%*O OO%  * %*       * %   *%      |
|xx   xxxxxxxx x*x+**x *x++++++*+ ++ +  %O*OOOOO %O%O* **%  ** O   O%    *%|
|     |________M_A__________|                                              |
|                   |______AM______|                                       |
|                                          |______M__A________|            |
|                                        |_____M___A_________|             |
    N           Min           Max        Median           Avg        Stddev
x  30       4867.92       6469.65       5380.22      5467.151     413.84611
+  30       5439.98       6717.65       5886.12      5858.759     277.63873
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	391.608 +/- 182.153
	7.16293% +/- 3.33178%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 352.386)
*  30        6360.6       7579.57       6717.98     6795.4417     358.60956
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	1328.29 +/- 200.156
	24.2958% +/- 3.66107%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 387.214)
%  30       6311.26       7598.65       6572.82      6725.608     369.25667
Difference at 95.0% confidence
	1258.46 +/- 202.726
	23.0185% +/- 3.70808%
	(Student's t, pooled s = 392.186)