2012-04-08 TCP loopback changes compared to 2011-12-15


These graphs compare the initial values from the 2011-12-15 kernel (blue) to the current IPv4 (red) and IPv6 (green) values of 2012-04-08 showing improvements.

IPv6/TCP with and without offloading turned on

We can see that in the default case, now with "offload support", the TCP loopback performance was improved. In the case without offloading support we see a regression however. It is not clear where this regression is coming from but clearly needs further investigation and validation.

IPv6/TCP numbers with and without offloading on IPv6/TCP numbers with and without offloading on (detail)

IPv4 and IPv6 TCP with and without offloading

Comparing to IPv4 we can observe multiple things. The most important is that in the default case with "offload support" we are at equal performance.

In the no offload support case the aforementioned regression is clearly visible. The range of data is once again high, as is the interquartile range (IQR), but has been stabilized a bit. This is a general loopback probelem that should be addressed independently of IPv6.

IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/ and w/o offloading
IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/ offloading IPv4 and IPv6 TCP w/o offloading