freedesktop packages committed: compositeext (new) damageext (new) fixesext (new) libICE libSM libX11 libXau (newly shared) libXcomposite (new) libXcursor libXdamage (new) libXdmcp (newly shared) libXext libXfixes (new) libXfont libXft (already in tree, gnome@ maintained) libXi libXmu libXpm libXrandr libXrender (repocopied) libXres libXt libXtrans libXv libfontconfig (already in tree, gnome@ maintained) randrext renderext (repocopied) resourceext xextensions xproto Will continue to be provided through XFree86-4-libraries (unless made into an fd.o project or are supplied elsewhere): libFS.a libGL (should be made into a separate port. I'm working on this as.) libGLU libGLw.a libXTrap libXaw libXp libXss libXtst libXvMC.a libXxf86* libdps (should be moved to updated x11/dgs port, or simply axed) libdpstk (should be moved to updated x11/dgs port, or simply axed) libfntstubs.a libfontenc.a liboldX (what's this?) libpsres (should be moved to updated x11/dgs port, or simply axed) libxf86config.a libxkbfile.a libxkbui.a Things that need to get done: - Test X11 locale stuff on non-US systems. - Test on non-x86 architectures. Things somebody ought to do: - Get render extension working in xnest. - Port freedesktop's xserver to FreeBSD.