The Zettabyte File System

The ZFS code base is documented with Doxygen styled C comments.

To ensure consistency, please adhere to the following guidelines when writing ZFS code:

Here is an example of the above guidelines:

 * \file example.c
 * Examples on proper doxygen usage.
 * This file contains examples of how to properly use doxygen markup in the 
 * ZFS module.  Also, it can help you concatenate strings

 * Classroom Roster Element
 * The classroom roster is a single linked list that stores all students'
 * information.  This struct is one element in the list
struct roster_elem {
	 * A key to the student's last report card in the database.  
	 * \note  The database is volatile; the key will be invalid following a
	 *        reboot.  Do not save the key to persistent storage.
	int report_card_key;
	char name[80];	/**< The student's name */
	bool is_male;	/**< True iff the student is a boy */

	 * pointer to next elem in list.  
	 * A null value signifies end of list
	struct roster_elem* next;

 * Concatenate two strings
 * Copies the C-string pointed to by src to the end of the C-string pointed
 * to by dest.
 * \warning  Does not verify that dest has enough space available.  This can 
 * 	     lead to buffer overflows.  It is recomended to use strncat or
 * 	     strlcat instead.
 * \param[in,out] 	dest	Pointer to the destination string
 * \param[in]		src 	Pointer to the source string
 * \return  A pointer to the resulting string dest
char *
strcat(char *dest, const char *src)
  return (0);
 All Data Structures Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Defines