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DSC00025 Peter Wemm causing trouble outside the terminal room....
DSC00026 Paul Saab, Superstar....
DSC00027 Kris Kennaway...
DSC00028 Alfred teaches Brian Feldman bad habits....
DSC00029 Paul Saab shows the world what he thinks about Bills Swingle and Paul and Jim Mock....
DSC00030 That's Theo at the podium....
DSC00031 Bill Swingle doing what he does best: supporting Mike Smith....
DSC00032 Fred Sanchez, John-Mark Gurney, Unknown, Kris Kennaway, Unknown, Unknown, 20% of Bill Paul....
DSC00033 Bill Fumerola looking goofy....
DSC00034 Jim Mock fools around with his digital camera, Ceren strikes a pose at the After-BoF party....
DSC00035 Ceren Ercen and Greg Lehey - Sure they work for Linuxcare, but we like them anyways....
DSC00036 A very inebriated Alfred entertains (amongst other people) Greg Sutter....
DSC00037 Alfred attempts to maintain balance, Greg Sutter spots him....
DSC00038 Bill Fumerola, Jon Bresler(or at least his head), Jordan Hubbard, Ollivier Robert...
DSC00039 Greg sits on top of the sign and Alfred attempts to stand....
DSC00040 Paul Saab / Alfred Perlstein / Bill Swingle...
DSC00042 The OpenBSD booth:...
DSC00043 A bunch of FreeBSD people at the USENIX 25th birthday bash thing....
DSC00044 More USENIX 25th party whatnot....
DSC00045 Sitting, clockwise: Ceren, Jim Mock, Bill Paul, Bill Swingle, ...
DSC00046 Bill Paul, moving away from the camera too quickly....
DSC00047 No, Bill, tell us how you really feel....
DSC00048 Hanging out before the Friday dinner:...
DSC00049 Hanging out before the Friday dinner:...
DSC00050 Brian Feldman (wearing a, well, green shirt) and Alfred Perlstein serving as a role model....
DSC00051 Before the Friday dinner:...
DSC00052 A crappy attempt at a night shot....